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19 June 2008


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Hmmmm, So, is this encouraging us to chase our children around with big fake freaky hands on, tackle them and tickle them until they either yell "Uncle" or pee all over themselves, because we love their laugh? Yeah, that does sound a little terrifying. and that she wrote it...well that is terrifying too. It is almost as bad as The Bunny Stalker (Runaway Bunny)


Hmmmm, So, is this encouraging us to chase our children around with big fake freaky hands on, tackle them and tickle them until they either yell "Uncle" or pee all over themselves, because we love their laugh? Yeah, that does sound a little terrifying... and that she wrote it...well that is terrifying too. It is almost as bad as The Bunny Stalker (Runaway Bunny)


Poor old Sam Lloyd got there first!

And in a less scary, more awesome way. Sid!

Sam Lloyd wins at life.

Lisa Yee

To me . . .

Tickle = Torture

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