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18 January 2005


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Danielle Wheeler

i LOVED this book as well! it made me want to keep reading and reading and reading and never finish.. it was a WONDERFUL book..


You are not alone. This book kicks ass, and I have read it about five times since I bought it. I've read Uglies et al, too, have you?


I've read Uglies, but not the sequels, but I've also read Peeps and The Last Days -- I was especially over the moon about Peeps. It's fantabulous!

Amanda Rice

Yeah, I'm like the only one who would check this book out but it absolutly rocked!!!

Chelsea K

This book was one of the best books i have ever read. Absolutly amazing.

I had to read this book with school. Intersting. Different. I like! [=
Now i have to do a missing chapter. help.


To everyone out there who loves scott westerfeld. i advise you read the UGLIES, PRETTIES, SPECIALS & (EXTRAS!) Trilogy!. i have all three books and i am reading them again for the third time. I cant wait until EXTRAS comes out. so buy them and enjoy!!!!

Maria G

This book is absolutely amazing! It's definitely my favorite, or one of my favorites. Scott Westerfeld rocks! I've read all his books and I love them!


OMg i read the book but only for school i don't get it and i need to write a missin chapterrr Like helkp!!!


Honestly, I found this book very dull. The word 'cool' was overused too often. The beginning started off with a stutter, and I found Hunter's rants about history throughout the book unecessary and unimportant. I loved the Uglies, but the characters felt flat with maybe the exception of Jen. There were, however, some bright spots between the cheesy metaphors and Hunter's awkward description of unrelated events. Not the best YA book, but certainly not the best. I'm looking forward to reading Peeps among other of Westerfeld's books, but I'm afraid this one did not meet his standard for intriguing story arcs and interesting characters.


I did not find this bok very good. I got bored through the middle and thought the end was to busy.

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