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16 May 2005


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I'll read it.


Thank you! I'll set it aside for you.

(Begging works sometimes, huh?)


I just finished this and couldn't remember where I'd read about it - it has been on my list for months. Anyway, I thought it was excellent. I wondered the same thing, about who it would appeal to - for the first half, I kept thinking I should recommend it to my brother (he's 17) because the tone was just so great and something he'd get. But the second half, "after," I'm not so sure. I mean, I like tearjerkers but do teenage boys? I might have to find out.


I loved it and I'm 14.


I'm a teen, and I really enjoyed it. Green has a detailed control over the language - and though the characters seem just a tad larger than life, I suppose it just makes them more lovable.

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