Oh, Jasper Fforde, what have you done???
My suggestion is this: Get this one from the library if you must read it immediately. Otherwise, don't spend money on it. At least wait until the paperback.
You're allowed to buy it in hardback if you LOVED his other books AND you also LOVED Hollow Chocolate Bunnies of the Apocalypse. But I'm still not guaranteeing anything. (I liked his other books and I was iffy about the Rankin book).
Overall, I thought it was kind of lame. There were moments that were fabulous--there's kind of a Blade Runner-esque moment where our hero, Jack Spratt, vaguely suspects that he might be a nursery character:
Jack walked out of the shop and paused on the pavement as a curious feeling welled up inside him. "Magic beans for a Stubbs cow," he murmured to himself. There was something undeniably familiar about what he had just done, but for he life of him he couldn't think what. He shrugged and joined Mary in the car.
Prometheus is a regular character and there's a DI Drood that works for the Missing Persons unit. But the pluses in NO way outweigh the minuses.
I was so disappointed.
too bad. It sounds really cool.
Posted by: steve | 21 July 2005 at 09:19 AM
But maybe you'll really like it. You should snag it from the library and give it a try. Because I'm really curious to hear other opinions of it. (Opinions of people I trust, not random people at Amazon).
Posted by: leila | 21 July 2005 at 09:23 AM