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12 September 2005


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Sheila Rene

Where oh where were these kinds of books when I was a young whippersnapper?


Sigh, I love Owl. How can someone with absolutely no sense of humor be so damn funny? Well, I guess there's a really obvious answer to that question, but I really love it.


Owl is a book that anyone will enjoy, regardless of whippersnapper status.

There's another character like Owl--no sense of humor, yet very funny--but I can't remember what book she's in or who she is or anything. Any idea who I'm thinking of?


Yes! I think the book is blue!

(You know you deserved that right?)


Yes, yes, I deserved it. But do you know what the book is?

(The blue one is probably Cat in the Hat, though. Or that ass World is a Village book).


I have been pondering this all day and I think I have it: the Folk Keeper by Billingsley (about the girl who's half-selkie). Or at least it's another one where the narrator is pretty damn funny due to having no sense of humour at all (though she's kind of scary too).


You're right. She is another one. But she isn't the one I'm thinking of.

Speaking of, the main character in The Goose Girl is totally scary at moments--mostly when she realizes that she can control the wind.

Arrrg. I almost had it, but it's still eluding me. Grrrr.


No, I don't know what book it is. I keep thinking it's Woman in the Wall by Kindl. But I don't remember you particularly liking it or it being very funny, just really, really weird.

Oh, wait, what about Blood and Chocolate by Klause with the 'meat boy' thing?


I love this book. Owl is very easy to get close to. When I finished reading I didn't want it to be over!

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