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29 November 2005


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Hissy Cat

I'm intrigued


The man is a genius. Read this one for sure. Gold Dust is also a must.

It wasn't very good.

wierd, at best


Can't say I agree with you there, No-name. It is one that takes a little bit of work, because you have to filter out Keir's delusions of normalcy to get a more true picture of what happened, and it's for sure not one that everyone is going to enjoy, because Keir isn't particularly likable. But I read the book two-and-a-half years ago and it's still with me.

bob dole

this book was gay


I liked this book,My reading enrichment class just finished it today and we had a great disscusion about the book. Some of us liked it and some of us didn't. Half of us were supporting Keir and the other were supporting Gigi. I however do not support either because they both made mistakes and did things that they knew were wrong. They were both careless through various parts of the book. I did enjoy the book through all of this. Sure I was mad when I finished because of the ending, but it's ok. I just hope that Chris Lynch will make a sequal.


i effin loved this book. i want it in my pants!

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