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04 January 2006


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Jenny D

DEERSKIN is amazing; it's pretty rough in terms of the content, but it's really as rich as SPINDLE'S END or SUNSHINE (I love the Damar novels, but they're definitely simpler/more young-adult in their construction). You must read it, especially if you are fond of animals; the way McKinley writes about dogs in that book is absolutely heartbreaking.

I can't believe that shirt Anne Rice is wearing! Good call! (though my suspicion is that it's made out of that sort-of-shiny-polyester-y material that people had festive red-and-green holiday clothes of in the 70s.)


Re Deerskin:

If you're okay with such an idea, you might think of skipping parts of the beginning. I'd literally thrown the book down in disgust after reading a particularly bloody scene, but on a friend's encouragement, agreed to pick it up again, to find that the rest of the book wasn't like that at all - it was about finding your destiny and (re)claiming who you are, and other such things.


I hated Deerskin when I read it, which was in high school. I haven't read The Door in the Hedge in ages but remember it fondly. I was a huge McKinley fan for years, but I've since downgraded to just a fan.

mike weber

Not to toot my own horn, or anything, but may i recommend my own review of Deerskin, at http://electronictiger.com/reviews/deerskin.htm ?

Personally, there are moments in Sunshine that i found as creepy as (or creepier than) anything in Deerskin.

The main thing about Deerskin is that it does feature an incestuous rape, written in a way that is horrific without being overly graphic (in my opinion).

Give it a try! The worst that will happen is (A) you will put it down and (B) you will never trust one of my reviews again.

*snif* that's okay, though...*snvl*

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