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30 March 2006


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Just finished this one & enjoyed it (although I felt a little manipulated by the subplot of Rivka's health - I don't know if it really needed that).


That's fair -- though wasn't her health the reason that Rivka wanted to connect with Simone?


Yeah, I guess it just felt a little cliche. But, I thought that Simone was an great character, and her feelings were believable. It didn't seem to need the health stuff to make it meatier. It was pretty awesome when she met her grandfather. And I mean awesome in a believable way, not in a heartwarming way.


The biggest problem with this book is its premise. No practicing Jewish woman from a practicing Jewish family would do the self-hating thing that Rivka did and adopt her baby out to a gentile family when there are thousands of Jewish families waiting to adopt. Unbelievable in a bad way.

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