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02 March 2006


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I only remembered the first period aspect of the book, I guess because that was on my mind at the time. I recently reread it and was surprised at how this time I really only registered the religious aspect. When I posted on it, my comments were all by people who remembered it the way I did. I guess it's really a matter of maturity and perspective.


Is it okay to bring up Gil's All Fright Diner again? Just finished it (your description intrigued me), wrote an Amazon review, then re-read your post and saw the author had weighed in. Looks like he's not too happy about my Amazon review either.

that book was wack j/k it was very good u should make more book about her


that book was wack j/k it was very good u should make more book about her



this is not the book i am looking for

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