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04 April 2006


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E.R. Bird

I'm especially excited to hear this. Michael C. Hall is the only person from my small Quaker college in southern Indiana ever to hit the big time.

Fight fight, inner light!
Kill, Quakers, kill!

(our fight song)


Interesting...I hadn't made up my mind to read this book yet; I started with "Mallory's Oracle" (not bad) and then the horrid "Deja Death". I guess I'm going to have to read it before giving the show a chance.


As I moved through the O'Connell series, I liked them more and more. The Reichs books just blew. (Judging from the first two, anyway.) And Dexter was okay -- I wasn't hugely impressed by the writing, but I really liked the character. Thus the high hopes for the series.

Or am I completely repeating myself? Probably. Sorry.

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