From The News & Observer:
The parents are also planning on forming a “Parents Council on Literary Discretion” to review individual school reading lists to look for other books they may find questionable. The parents are getting help from Called2Action, a Christian group which says its mission is to “promote and defend our shared family and social values.”
The books being challenged are Beloved, The Chocolate War, and The Color Purple. The school system already has the usual policy in place -- if the parent or student objects to the book, they are offered an alternative.
Wouldn't it just be easier on everyone involved if Called2Action (Nice name, by the way. LOVE the '2'. Couldn't you have worked in a backwards 'R' somewhere? BooksRBad, ThoughtsRDangerous, Don'tBGay, something like that?) just gave up trying to turn the public schools into their own little instruments of Christian indoctrination and built their own? If they have the money to send people all over the country trying to ban books, I'm sure that they have the money to do their own thing.
**laughing hysterically**
Posted by: Jordan | 19 April 2006 at 11:30 AM
"Noble acknowledged that many of Called2Action's leaders, including him, are home-schooling their children or have them in private schools."
They're not going to be happy until the country's a g.d. theocracy.
Posted by: Susan | 19 April 2006 at 03:50 PM
Oh. My. God. I can't believe I missed that -- though I'm sad to say that I'm not hugely surprised.
And I thought I was being so reasonable, too.
Posted by: Leila | 19 April 2006 at 03:56 PM