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31 May 2006


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I can't believe you haven't read any Tim Wynne-Jones! He's awesome! I think I have read the Maestro a million times. And also his latest Thief in the House of Memory is amazing.


I really think it might be the hyphen. I will add both books to my list.


Swift Pure Cry isn't out in the US yet, but David Fickling is publishing it here next year. It is really wonderful, stark, and Irish.


Ooo. I do like stark. I'll watch for it.

Jen Robinson

If it makes you feel better, I haven't read any of the books on the list, nor have I read anything by Tim Wynne-Jones (though I do read some Diana, so I don't think it's the hyphen).

I also wanted to thank you for commenting on my "cool girls" list, today and earlier. I identified with Meg Murray a lot, too. I even ended up with a red-headed love of my life like she did, who I met when I was very young - but I'm sure that's a coincidence.


Ah, but Diana doesn't have a hyphen. That seems to make all the difference for me.

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