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25 May 2006


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What age is it for? Amazon lists the reading level as 4-8, but with 368 pages, I find that I bit hard to believe. Are they just slapping random reading levels on their books now or just trying to discourage a whole new generation of readers. "I don't know, Bobby, we thought a big five year old like you would be able to read it. You must just be stupid." Kidding.


Maybe they're thinking for read-alouds? I'd definitely peg it higher for independent reading -- 8-12, maybe.


Don't those numbers usually refer to grade level, not years?
I had always assumed that the suggested reading level was totally random anyway.


Oh, that would make so much more sense.


I checked and it's ages all right. Spin the wheel and pick an age range.

Little Willow

Sounds very cute.


i liked the book but some of the parts could be confusing. i think the reading level should be bettween 10-12 year olds


what do you mean by cute and adorable?


ummm im a student and i need spark notes on this book because i have a report due tommorow and im on page 60.

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