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26 June 2006


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And it has the best afterword ever.
And you're so right about DWJ (I just kind of stuck on the Aiken).
And, I loved how it actually ENDED, even though I did want more story. I want more Jane Eyre too, but a sequel? No.
I have the greatest quote for you...I've been trying to remember to write it down all week.


Oh, I feel the same way. I want more story, but I don't know if I actually want a sequel. I'd probably be satisfied with reading it again and again.

No there has to be a sequel. What was great about the Aiken series was that it seemed to go on and on and outwards and outwards (Nantucket!).


I avoided this book for a long time because of the stuid cover illustration (the one you posted is better) The one I saw had "MAGINE A WORLD WHERE BOOKS HAVE BEEN BANNED" stamped over the picture. When I actually read it I liked it.


So wiat their is a series but if fly by night the first book?


I loved it personally, but I kept on losing what was happening, like in the beast fight. I would put it down for a moment, (with a bookmark, of course) like to get something to eat, and when I came back, I would have to take about 3 minutes to find where I was. So much happened in such small amounts of time. If you missed two sentences, you would be lost. All in all, and therefore, good book, very....action-packed. Thank you for listening.


I LOVED the book! I love Mosca, Eponymous Clent and saracen! Please, please make a sequel.

It's good to read a quality article for once


I loved the story and i really hope there will be a sequel so i can go on another adventure with Mosca and Mr.Clent


Please make a sequel cause it will be Rawsome


There is a sequel coming out, i think i found it on France's website.

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