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13 June 2006


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Just read this book. As in, had it on my pile, saw your review, and read it to wind down after booktalking today. I thought this was a great, great book. I never really knew what was going to happen next. I felt in my heart it should turn out OK, but then I couldn't imagine how it could all be OK. I particularly loved all of the scenes of Britney driving. She is so new at it and so terrified of situations that WOULD freak out a new driver. I thought it made the book more realistic and also provided an interesting comparison for when she felt like a nervous kid, and when she felt like the only capable adult. And the other thing I liked, come to think of it, is how the older women had character, but weren't as quirky as I tend to see in kids books.


Ever read The Face on the Milk Carton? When I was in middle school it was the big hit. My copy was passed around the sixth grade so many times I had to go out and buy copies for my friends (with their money;). Your review reminded me of the fun times my friends and I had trading Caroline B. Cooney's books.


I love this book. I reviewed it on August 31rst.


I love this book. I reviewed it on August 31rst.


i love this book it is wonderful


i loe this book its to wonderful ansd i read it 8 times


It's a great book and Cooney's my favorite author. (How could she not be?) I'm doing a book report on it right now.

You guys should check out "a friend at midnight", "Code oarnge", "diamonds and shadows", and "the face on the milkcarton."


It's a great book and Cooney's my favorite author. (How could she not be?) I'm doing a book report on it right now.

You guys should check out "a friend at midnight", "Code oarnge", "diamonds and shadows", and "the face on the milkcarton."

@juxamist LeroCopeamere

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Quick question that's totally off topic. Do you know how to make your site mobile friendly?

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