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06 June 2006


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My favorite thing the Dave ever said... "Have you ever had an enema?" Very appropriate, coming from your boss.


"I just needed a little more Leonard in my life."

Well hey, who doesn't?

Fuse #8

Have you seen that there's a kick-ass Leonard Cohen documentary coming out called, "I'm Your Man"? It intersperses portions of his life and works with a tribute concert. Nick Cave's one of the performers, so I'm sold. I think it comes out in July. Woo-hoo!


Ooo. I'm there. Did you ever see -- and this was a long, long time ago, so I'm probably the only person on the planet who remembers this -- the male Canadian figure skater at the Olympics who skated to "I'm Your Man"? It was AWESOME. He should have won a special medal just for that, but of course, since he did something that was actually interesting and original, he got shafted.

Speaking of Nick Cave, according to Neko Case's website she opened for him recently -- which just makes her cooler.


Not that I'm any kind of musical authority, but I am listening to Neko Case as I type this and as such give a nod to your awesome taste!


MMMmmmmMMMM...John Prine! Twangy in the best possible way, also not dead in a good way. Have you tried any Todd Snider? He might be a bit rough-hewn for you but he's good.


Have you heard of Chris Whitley? He's both dead and twangy. And very, very good. I highly recommend the Dirt Floor album.

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