Justina Chen Headley is the author of the super-fun Nothing But the Truth (and a few white lies). She's got a new book coming out in 2007 and she's working on a third right now. She's the founding member of the Kung Fu Kick Ass Club. And as if that isn't enough, she's running an essay contest for a $5,000 college scholarship -- check out the details here.
Book Currently Reading:
Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro: amazing, disturbing, humbling, haunting.
CDs Currently in Rotation:
Well. I know this is going to sound incredibly weird, but here it is. I've started my third novel, and when I'm in the "discovery" draft, I need loud, jarring music. If I were to psychoanalyze myself, maybe that's the only thing that drowns out the critic inside my head? So anyway, right now, I'm heavy into KEXP, a local station that plays eclectica. When I head into revisions, I'll hit up my agent for a new playlist. He's done a great job setting me up with music-to-revise-by for the last two novels!
Last Movie Viewed:
Perfection, a short by an up-and-coming filmmaker, Karen Lin, starring Ming-Na. Karen is definitely someone I will watch eagerly to see what she does in the future.
Literary Crush (real or fictional):
Mr. Darcy, the once and always romantic hero, with or without portrayal by Colin Firth.
Pet Peeve:
People who clip and file their nails in public. Need I say more? OK, I will. Ick. Grooming should take place in a bathroom, door closed preferably. Who wants to be nailed (pun unintended) by a stray, flying clipping?
Current Obsession:
Green tea frappuccinos--but only if it's made Tokyo-style. So here's how to order bliss at Starbucks: tell them to hold the syrup, double the matcha, and no whip. Yes, you'll sound very high-maintenance, but who cares? Your taste buds will salute you.
Guilty Pleasure:
See above. Green tea frappuccinos, I'm telling you: calorie-worthy.
Irrational Fear:
Huntsmen spiders. Well, given that they are basically the size of a paperback, I suppose it's not an irrational fear per se.
Favorite Word:
Syzygy. I just came across that one while researching planets. It's the term to use when the sun, moon, and earth line up, which is cool in and of itself. But also, check out the three y's in that single word. Amazing, yes?
That Ishiguro novel is amaaaaziing. I read it in my women`s book club last year. If I can be so bold as to recommend a book to a librarian..might I suggest another Japanese author, Haruki Murakami. I think his newest, "Kafka on the Shore" is stellar, but "Norwegian Wood" is also great. Think magical surrealism, but Japanese instead of southern hemisphere.
Posted by: Jen | 14 June 2006 at 02:14 PM
I have two or three Murakami books on my TBR pile -- so many people have told me I should read him, but my pile just keeps growing and growing. I'm sure you know how it is.
I SWEAR I will bump him up a few notches! I'm embarrassed that it has taken me this long...
Posted by: Leila | 14 June 2006 at 02:36 PM
Syzygy is good for hangman too. Of course, once someone guesses 'y' you're toast. Either they'll guess the word or punch you in the face.
Posted by: Lauren | 14 June 2006 at 03:08 PM
We've got some of those huntsmen spiders living in our garage at the moment. It has walls of transparent plastic, 2 sheets slightly apart, and a couple of big females live in the gap. They have big bundles of eggs there, too, so I'm expecting to be inundated with tiny huntsmen babies soon.
And syzygy is a very cool word.
Posted by: James Morrison | 14 June 2006 at 08:35 PM
i've been afraid of huntsmen spiders since i saw the clock spider (look it up on urban dictionary if you don't know what i'm talking about, it's freaky).
Posted by: librainiac | 15 June 2006 at 06:37 AM