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01 June 2006


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Just wanted to say thank you for turning me on to "Peeps." One of the best fiction books I've read in a LONG time. Now I can't wait to get this one too! And wow, creepy but compelling cover.


Right? Scott Westerfeld has been chronicling the process of creating the cover art at his blog.

And way cool that you actually read some fiction! (Now I should probably do the same and read some non-fiction -- I even have that Parasite Rex book at home...)


Dude. I'm so jealous of you. I totally want that book.


Oh oh oh, you've got to read "Parasite Rex." Only not before bed or anything, and DON'T look at the pictures unless you're sure you want to be grossed out. Thanks also for the cover art blog. I've still got "Peeps" laying around my house and it creeps me out (in a delicious way) every time I see it.


I second parasite rex


lol, ive never read these books, but i read the uglies series by scott westerfeld. and from the looks of it i NEED to get my hands on these books SOON!!!!!!!

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