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25 July 2006


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I liked Endymion Spring (it was released here months ago). The very end (as in the last two or three pages) was a bit meh but overall I really liked it.


But have you read Harry Sue?!?


No, I haven't read that either. I'm so lame. But in my defense, the library doesn't have it, the stinkers.


Don't worry about Runaway- it's perfect. It really is.
See, I loved Crusader, but it was a little sloppy. That's all I think was really wrong with it. London Calling is the best of all his abilities- complex, dark, and tightly written.


RE: Runaway -- Oh, good. I was a little worried, but not too much. (She does such a great job dealing with Sammy's abandonment issues that I couldn't imagine her writing some sort of over-the-top-issue-book.)

RE: London Calling -- I'm so excited to read it. You know, I think I'm pretty much the only person who really, really hated Crusader. Maybe I should give it another whirl, if I ever have the time.


Ew, I hated Endymion Spring. Mostly because I thought it could have been a really good book, but Skelton sucked it up. Boo!


Oh, no! Since you and Sassymonkey are in disagreement, I'll have to read it anyway. But now my hopes aren't very high at all, so we'll see what happens.

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