Yes, I'm talking about that Scott Westerfeld. The author of the Uglies and Midnighters trilogies. The author of my beloved So Yesterday, of my oft-recommended Peeps and of its upcoming sequel/companion, The Last Days. (Which I've already read twice.)
I admit that I'm feeling a little star-struck.
Books Currently Reading:
Naomi Novik's "Black Powder War"
John Green's "An Abundance of Katherines"
Chynna Clugston-Major's "Blue Monday" series
And waiting for the next "Fables," of course.
Hmm, looks like nobody new: DJ Shadow, Imogen Heap, and heaps of Tricky. I'm basically a shuffler, though.
Last Movie Viewed:
"Shadow: Dead Riot." A women's prison zombie movie . . . sort of a non-thinking-person's "Candyman."
Literary Crush (real person or fictional character):
Big crush on Ramona Victoria Flowers from Bryan Lee O'Malley's "Scott Pilgrim" series. Is that literary enough for you? I think that it is.
Plus all the cool librarians we just met in New Orleans at ALA! What a blast.
Pet Peeve:
When I use an unfamiliar term in an email, and the other person asks me to define it. Like, dude, you're sitting at a COMPUTER that's connected to the INTERNET. It's called GOOGLE!
Current Obsessions:
Airship research, particularly in musty books. Have also been following the Dynalifter slightly heavier-than-air trials in Ohio.
I'm also obsessed with battery-life issues, zombie movies, and I'm having brief fling with penalty kick analysis. (But that won't last.)
Guilty Pleasure:
Our almost-courtside seats at Madison Square Garden for the New York Liberty (WNBA). Nothing like 10,000 eleven-year-old girls shouting, "DEE-fense! DEE-fense!" in unison.
Irrational Fear:
Having the rear end of an old fashioned ice-skate blade accidentally plunge into my knee. That's pretty irrational, right?
Favorite Words:
"Eschatology," "chthonic," and "wrong-un" (that last one being cricket terminology).
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