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10 July 2006


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I looooove Barbara Michaels, and I agree with you 100% on this one. Not my favorite but if I'm in that mood and no others are available, I'll read it. What's your favorite one? I admit to being somewhat partial to all the ones from the 70s: The Sea King's Daughter, Patriot's Dream, Witch and maybe The Dark on the Other Side, which freaked me out mightily when I was 13 or 14. :)


I totally meant to warn you not to start with that one because, let's face it, it was kind of lame. The Dark on the Other Side kind of ruled, but the Sea King's Daughter is totally the best.


Even with the lameness, it made me want more. Summer is prime Barbara Michaels time. The next time Josh and I go to Dad's house, I'm lugging back my box of EP/BM books. Assuming that my sister hasn't stolen them all, of course.


Oh, but they are STILL doing the "Okay, I suppose technically that description is accurate in that accords with the basic facts, but COME ON, it ain't really like that" back-of-the-book blurbs. Who writes those things? because the BM person stinks at it.

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