From the Democrat & Chronicle:
Sanchez, in response to questions posed via e-mail, said it pains him when he hears about individuals attempting to block others from reading a book.
"That's un-American. And it's wrong.
"Fortunately, we live in a country where freedom of speech and thought are cherished values. Every attempt to censor a book is an attack on our constitutional freedoms."Asked what his message would be for school administrators, Sanchez wrote:
"I hope that they'll respect the judgment of the professional educators who assembled the summer reading list. If a parent does not want his or her own child to read a particular book, I fail to see how such individuals should have the right to determine what the children of other parents' should read."
The Superintendent has stated that the book was removed due to "explicit sexual content", not due to the gay theme. However. I very much doubt that Rainbow Boys is the only book on that reading list that could be described as having "explicit sexual content".
So get ready, Webster. I'm sure that you'll be receiving more removal demands soon.
Oh, wait. I forgot. You already have.
The D&C has also published a Q&A with Sanchez -- proving, once again, that all book banners really accomplish is free publicity for the authors they're trying to censor.
I looked at the reading list the school district had posted. It was bizarre.
The comments say no book is included that has been made into a movie... so they can't read LOTR, but they can read Terry Brooks (misspelled Terry Blacks in the list) and Piers Anthony. I am uncertain what educational purpose that choice might serve.
Apparently, they also can't read any of a whole lot of classic novels, but I admit I didn't search the list to make sure Pride and Prejudice was really excluded.
Posted by: Kyri Freeman | 31 August 2006 at 07:54 PM