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12 September 2006


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Little Willow

I have read Straydog, Buddha Boy, Talk, and The Blue Mirror. Of these four titles, I think Straydog is the most memorable (but have Kleenex at the ready) and The Blue Mirror, the most impressive. Talk had a great concept, but I wanted more, not only at the end but throughtout the entire story. Buddha Boy is also good, but didn't have the highs and lows of the others.


I remember liking Buddha Boy, but not much more about it... I'll be hunting down the others when I get a chance.


I personally luv THE BLUE MIRROR. I luv evrything about it. It needs more luv and stuff like that between cole and Mags.


Well, of Kathe Koja's books, I've only read The Blue Mirror, Buddha Boy, and am about to read Talk.

Personally, I really love angsty, coming-of-age stories so I was really interested in The Blue Mirror(and it proved to be a really good read).
Actually, I was sort of scared of Cole, even in the beginning, b/c those blue lips of his seemed like it was foreshadowing something.

The ending kind of let me down, but at the same time, there was no other way I would've wanted to end it.(I'm talking in circles now...)

I read Buddha Boy two days ago, and I thought that while the concept and the theme of the story was good, I liked The Blue Mirror better.

I'm about to read Talk, but I have to say, the storyline doesn't really appeal to me much. It sounds like just another story about a gay boy and a straight girl who's using him.

Oooh. I really like the review for Going Under. It makes it look very...enticing.

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