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12 September 2006


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So rad!!!!


Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is banned? In what idiotic world?


Me too! I saw a bracelet the other day in the same style (with different images) and almost bought it, but the banned book theme is just too awesome.




LOVE it. Love it.

I want a reproductive rights bracelet too, with pics of all the old birth control pill packets in all the retro colors! Maybe an IUD.

Adam S.

Are those appropriate for men?

carolyn forsman

CAROYN FORSMAN herself. thanks for posting. yes Adam its unisex. we can add 1 link if you need it larger. free shipping with $40, otherwise only $6. there are 2 fer pricing too. it was made with the ALA Office of Intetllectual Freedom and yes we have Art images too. we are shipping at once for banned books week. i used to be a librarian myself

Adam S.

Awesome. I told my sister about these, she wants one. And what with Christmas only so many months away...

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