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02 November 2006


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You never read A Mango Shaped Space? I was obsessed with its concepts for like, over a year.


Yeah. Somehow, I never got around to reading it and (sigh) my library doesn't have it. I'll ILL it soon.


Ooh, this sounds good. Thanks for the review.

Fuse #8

Thank God I'm not the only one who loved this book. It's kind of gotten forgotten so far this year. Hopefully other people will take note of it soon.

Hannah Marie Stoddard

Dear Wendy Mass Please email me back at [email protected]
I think it would be cool if you wrote a book about Cinderella the one who danced with the prince or cinderella the one who broke a glass sliper or something like that and write about the princes story and cinderella's story I think I would whant to read that book like I like the humor and personallity in Rapunzel the one with all the hair. The story buts me right in the book! and Sleeping beuty the one who took the really long nap looks really great to. I'm planning to read that book also. I could read your books and never get tired of them. I got to go
please email me back your biggest fan,
Hannah Stoddard Ps if you do email me back (whitch I hope you do) tell your email address in your lettet and my email address is in the beginning in this mail but just to make sure you have it it's [email protected] love ya bye :):):):):):):):):):):):):):)those were sideways smiley faces.


Looooooove this author!!! mango is such a super book! Just bought this one and Leap Day!! Can't wait to read!


Awesome book. Doing a project on it, but I seemed to have misplaced the actual copy I had...

this book is a awesome book for young readers with many hidden surprises.

hey i wanted to say the book jeremy finka dn meaning of life was a great book but why is everyone selling it for like $10-15 i only got it for 5 dollars from the scholastic book fair at my school!!i think you should read it its full of surprises!

OMG!!! dis book is da BBBOOOMMMBBBB!!!! I rocked my sox off! EVERYONE should read it! It's written just rite, so everbody can enjoy it!!!!


Kaitlyn Goens

"A Mango Shaped Space" is one of the best books I have ever read. You should defiantly read it!

yer very boring
u suck


omg wendy mass please email me at [email protected] bcuz i really like dis book and i would like 2 ask u sum ding through email thanks. peace!!!!!!!


you are an AMAZING writer and very good at puting the right words in the perfect place! i LOOOOVE "a mango shaped space" and cried sooo hard. it is my all-time fav. book and i dont think i'll ever forget it. i sometimes try to mirror your type of writing when doing essays in school and most of the time i get A+ on them :) thank's again and PLEASE email me

u suck

Linda Nguyen

I LOVED Jeremy Fink and the Meaning of Life. It was terrific, I absolutely couldn't get my hands off of it! (: I loved it inside and out. Please write more. A sequel would be great too. (:

Linda Nguyen

Oh, and just a heads up to all of those negative people out there- if you don't like the book, just leave it be. Don't say anything, just keep it to yourself. Thanks.=]

I would love to talk to you Wendy, email me if you have the time. :)
My email ađress is [email protected]. Thanks Wendy!

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