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04 December 2006


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I love Emma Thompson. I wish she would be friends with me.


I'm with you on National Treasure. I really didn't get what all the fuss was about. I'm as perfectly willing to suspend belief as the next person -- but a secret code on the back of the Declaration of Independence? And stealing it from the Smithsonian? I don't think so.

Deadwood may just be the best TV show ever. I loved every minute of it. And Season 2 is just as good as Season 1.


You must watch the final episode of Buffy - much of it is a disappointment but I loved the last episode. It's just killer.


I will, eventually. I just needed to take a break for a while. (So I started watching Firefly AGAIN.)


Arrested Development!!

I watched all of S3 in a day. Now I'm more heartbroken than ever, but it's so freaking good.


We Netflixed the first two seasons and just bought the last one -- SO GOOD.

And I totally have a crush on Gob, as does my sister, who wants to "make out with him on his Segway".


I still can't reconcile that Mal is the evil preacher guy.


I haven't hit that point where he appears yet. I did just Netflix Slither though, (in which he plays a sheriff, I think, and there are zombies or something) and it should be arriving today. Can't wait. Looks kind of bad, in a very good way.


A question about Nanny McPhee if you please - would you recommend it to someone such as myself who, while liking Emma Thompson, had the fortune to grow up reading the Nurse Matilda books on which the movie was based?


I don't know, Richard -- I've never read them. For what it's worth, Emma Thompson wrote the screenplay and I thought she did a great job when she adapted Sense & Sensibility...


Re: Buffy Season 7.....

To be fair, Andrew does make watching that season so, so worth it. God, what happened to that kid?

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