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31 January 2007


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The "cult of Castellucci" - I love it! I did read Beige and gave a wee bit of a review on it last week. Loved it major! It's just the same level of excellence again and again from Cecil.

She so totally rules.

I'm really looking forward to Plain Janes too. I wish DC would get their butts in gear and get that ARC to me!!!!


I saw that, Colleen -- it made me even more excited to read it! It's sitting right on the top of my short stack on the coffee table. (You know -- as opposed to the larger piles on the big table, or on the floor, or by the bed...) And I'm really looking forward to checking out the DC Minx line -- I'm just so curious!



taylor a

me and my best friend taylor w love your books
i would not want to write about anybody but her.

the "queen of cool" is awesome. I'm doing a project on it.

when i first picked it up in my school library, i thought i wasn't going to like it. But guess what......I LOVED it. it's the best!!!!!!!!!!!!

OMG this book is awsome i was at the libary just scaming the book shelf and i pick up a random book(the Queen of Cool) and i have to say it is the best bok i have ever read!!!! :)


this book was amazing im not the type of person that reads all the time but i didn't want to stop reading this one. i would recommend this book to all girls it was aaaammmaaazzziiinnnggg!!!


this book was amazing im not the type of person that reads all the time but i didn't want to stop reading this one. i would recommend this book to all girls it was aaaammmaaazzziiinnnggg!!!


omg i just finished that this morning! yea it took me one morning to read the whole thing cuz i counld't put it down! i gotta read boy proof and begie now

i love the ending, its soooooooooooo great!
and i wish they had more for sid's charter
i felt bad for him at times cuz kenji makes fun of him
but kenji is a jerk anyway and sid'd still my favorite :)

DyNesha BUrns

i sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo luv dis book.
It screams ME ME ME

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