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12 February 2007


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This one sounds interesting, thanks for the review. :)


Is Tim by chance related to Diana?


Tim is one of my all time fav writers! You should read his YA novel from a couple of years ago, "A Thief in the House of Memory" for a completely different type of book - it will show you how far he is able to stretch in writing style.

I still have my beat up copy of his middle grade short story collection, "Some of the Kinder Planets" - if you can find a copy at the library be sure to check it out. It's a lot of fun.

I haven't read "Rex Zero" yet, but it's here waiting - I still have like four columns to write though before I get to that one....

Did you know he's Gwenda Bond's college adviser? How cool is that?!

Nixie Knox

Sounds like fun. I will have to check it out. Plus, as a kid, I loved Paint-by-Numbers.

generic levitra

I think You should add some videos and take off the picture of them humping thats disgusting.

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