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22 February 2007


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Andrew Karre

Lovely! It's just perfect for that special children's book author in your life looking for something to lounge around in while he's trying to come up with a way to sneak the word "labia" into his next picture book.


Interesting. I always "direct to junk" my scrotal emails.


That shirt rocks! How can I get one?!?!


If your size isn't currently at my Etsy shop (click any of the pictures of the tees -- also on sidebar), just email me (leila_roy AT hotmail DOT com) your t-shirt size. It will help me a whole lot if you put the slogan in the subject heading when you email me. Thanks!

Lady S

Your t-shirts rock my world! I don't know if I could come up with such great slogans. I would love this shirt, but I don't think it would fly in my K-6 elementary school. I can't wait to read the book, though.


oh my god, can I buy a "trust snape" shirt? I would love one.


over in Australia, if ever we have a call for censorship (which is rare!), it's usually some pompous parent; librarians are all for free speech.


can i get a medium size in that shirt

wholesale clothing

Oh! what a shirt design. love it.



Alaazkaam-information found, problem solved, thanks!

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