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12 March 2007


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Faithful Reader from Canada

Have you at least read some of the books by these authors? I've been out of the bookstore business for a while, so I haven't read the latest titles, but I've read others by the same authors and they're all really, really good.


I've read some Goobie and some Slade, but not the titles listed -- the other authors are new to me, though. Time to bone up on my CA-LIT!


I find that I do not know many of the young adult books by Canadian authors unless there has been a lot of buzz about it, so I am drawing a blank at these ones and I try and read lots of CanLit. I might have to look into them more closely...


I reviewed William Bell's The Blue Helmet back in November and loved it - LOVED IT! This is one of the best boy stories I've read in ages about a pretty violent teenager whose on the path to a lot more trouble (joining a gang) and ends up finding out the difference between playing tough games and what war will do to someone when he meets a former UN peacekeeper. I was so impressed by Helmet and I've exchanged a few emails with the author whose having a horrible time finding a US publisher because of the UN angle - I guess they think kids won't know what a peacekeeper is? (Or maybe because the war is the Balkan War?)

Sometimes publishers really frustrate me!

I hope making this shortlist gives him some more attention and gets US pubs to sit up and notice. I know Candlewick is supposed to be reading the book right now, here's hoping they see how brilliant it is.

(I also read, reviewed and loved Megiddo's Shadow a book about WWI in the Middle East that was wonderful. Highly recommend that one for historical fiction fans!)


I've read Me and the Blondes, it's relly good. I uess I should read The Blue Helmet sometime soon....maybe later....anyway I am Canadian, so it's possible I shuld make an effort to read these, eventually.


Oh, how I love Canada. What's even sadder is that many of these books aren't available in my library system. And I'm in Wisconsin, for crying out loud, can't some Canadian books make it this far, even?

Faithful Reader from Canada

Yeah, why is it that we have pretty much everything American here, yet it's so hard to find Canadian authors in the US? Is it the publishers? Or is there not the interest in Canadian writers down south?


Me and the Blondes is good. There is a sequel in the works (it's hinted at in the book but I emailed the author to confirm).


Faithful Reader--aw, you know it's all part of that American hegemony that keeps us so popular all over the world (and particularly in Canada)!

I just put Hello, Groin on reserve at my public (or should that be "pubic") library in Seattle. So at least one border state is making at least something of an effort. Haven't checked the other titles, though.


I've read Hello, Groin, and a bit of Droughtlanders (which I thought to be very boring compared to other works by the same author). I thought Hello, Groin was really good, and it wasn't extremely predictable, which was a nice change. It had quite a few good issues in it, which I also thought was another good quality


I, too, loved The Blue Helmet yet am happy to hear of the other titles.
How cool to find this blog - and this post - to which I will refer when delivering the closing keynote at the Canadian Library Asn conference this weekend in St. John's.
Kudos and thank you.

flash games collection

I've read some Goobie and some Slade, but not the titles listed -- the other authors are new to me, though. Time to bone up on my CA-LIT!

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