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07 March 2007


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Fuse #8

Glad to hear it. I'm not a Fowl fan myself (though I love the author when he's speaking in front of a crowd) so it's nice to see that someone else is making headway in the same genre.


Well, thank God. Now I can feel like one of the cool kids - I hated ARTEMIS FOWL, too.


I wouldn't go so far as to say that I hated Artemis Fowl, but I never got caught up in it and left wondering what all the fuss was about.


I hated Artemis Fowl too! And I couldn't believe it when my bookstore coworkers started pushing it on Harry Potter fans. In my opinion the two aren't even in the same league =)


Gah! I thought I was the only one who thought Artemis Fowl was somewhat bleh. (I felt like I was reading a screenplay for a blockbuster film, not a novel.)

Thanks for a tip to a evil genius who actually seems, um, evil. And a genius. Looks good.


I used to like Artemis Fwowl but I read it more out of habit than cause I truly liked it. But now it feels like it's just being written for the money.


I liked Butler and all of the Fairies in Artemis' world. For the first several books, Artemis himself got on my nerves, but now he's kind of grown on me, oddly enough. Still -- I'm always up for more evil!


Hey, live in MY world. I don't like Harry Potter.

Brian F.

Y'know, I didn't HATE Artemis Fowl....but I couldn't get into it either. This one sounds interesting...although the Amazon description does make it sound like a Fowl clone.

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