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14 March 2007


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Brian F.

Me? I'm there for Carol Burnett. But, yeah, Will Arnett only adds icing to the cake.

John Green


Thank you for the t-shirts.

They made our months. Years, maybe.

Everybody at brotherhood2.com wants one now. Can you help? Email me!

Sorry for the brevity. Am in an airport and have to leave now.

John Green


I'm sad that my shirt is a lie. I totally would have made out with GOB Bluth on his Segway, if only he'd held still. And I had a thought, that for yours and yr sister's, you might want to add "...and it was magical." to the back. Or not. But that's what I was thinking when wearing it yesterday.

Also, check the comments at B2.0. JG is not kidding. You'll be a millionaire if you start selling that crowd the "in your pants" shirts. Me, I just want the B2.0 in my pants. Did I say that? No, I didn't.

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