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10 April 2007


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Sheila Ruth

I like this quote from the Baltimore Sun article:

"He said the mere fact that the book generated controversy meant it was better to remove it from the curriculum."

God forbid that we should allow anything controversial!

Sheila (in Maryland)

Adam S.

When are they going to take the next step: banning books that they just don't like? Oh, wait, wait. I forgot The Stranger was banned at my high school. Drat.


I read Kaffir Boy as a high school senior in 1995. We had to read any book from a list my teacher made up & write an in class essay about whether or not the book should be included in a hypothetical required reading list.
My argument was yes, it should be included. I really thought it was a great book - it made apartheid more real for me.
I got an A on the essay, by the way.


Wow, thanks for the links to the kids' comments - fascinating reading. It's great to see kids standing up for themselves, and about a book too! And all the parent comments were really illogical - 'I never saw the permission slip so the teacher was wrong to use that book in class.' Yeah, that's convincing.

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