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15 May 2007


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That is really cool; but Victorian "erotica" is usually really, really perverse and hardcore. Really.


Gosh! Wow! The really tragic thing is that the graduate in me is curious about what books they're reading...


Yeah, we sent the article to our 'important people' last week with a list of volunteer readers. I'm sure our conservative community would LOVE it. heh. I would SO read.


While this is really really cool, I have to agree. I have a small collection of Victorian erotica, and much of is far more hardcore and raunchy than my modern/comtemp. stuff. Though I am tempted to call myself, just to FINALLY find out how some of that Victorian slang is pronounced.


The article says that their erotica collection actually spans the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries, so it's not even just Victorian Yowza...


I agree that is SO awesome. I would love to start that at my library.

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