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09 June 2007


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For once I don't have to be totally jealous. I picked up an arc at BookExpo last week. And now it's moving up in the pile.

Little Willow

I want to read this.
Also: awesome cover.



For me it was all about the morning after Boomer's accident and Ben comes into school thinking all the drama is about him, when he realizes they've both been living their last year.

Who's Boomer?


a great read. the plot was compelling and the characters especially Ben Marla Cody and Boomer who kept the book alive and running


AMAZING!!! I could put it down! When i first picked it off the shelf i just thought was an average book...but no it seriously was one of the best books i have ever read in my life! Makes me look at life in a whole different perspective.


I just finished this book last night and have to say although I didn't cry, it was one I didn't want to put down until I finished it. It also really made me think about issues I never gave much time to. I'm glad I picked it up.

Ashley Schulz

I absolutely loved this book! Best one I have read so far! I love Chris Crutcher's novels!!!!


I'm almost through with this book and its AMAZING I'm sure it will be challenged many times but by god this book should never be taken off the book shelf its my favorite book its even better than the chocolate war


what are some symbols in the book?

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