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07 June 2007


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Lisa Yee

Um, am I doing this right? I had typed in a comment earlier, but I don't see it here. So, if this is redundant, pretend you don't see this one . . .

I think it's time for me to bid farewell to Millicent, Stanford and Emily. I love those kids, but there are new ones to meet.

Next up is CHARM SCHOOL DROPUT, a YA novel. It's about a girl named Maybelline (she's named after the mascara), who calls herself Maybe. She's semi-goth, and her mother runs a school for beauty pageant constestants. Eventually, Maybe runs away from Kississimme, FL to Hollywood to find the father who doesn't even know she exists.

Lisa Yee

Um, am I doing this right? I had typed in a comment earlier, but I don't see it here. So, if this is redundant, pretend you don't see this one . . .

I think it's time for me to bid farewell to Millicent, Stanford and Emily. I love those kids, but there are new ones to meet.

Next up is CHARM SCHOOL DROPUT, a YA novel. It's about a girl named Maybelline (she's named after the mascara), who calls herself Maybe. She's semi-goth, and her mother runs a school for beauty pageant constestants. Eventually, Maybe runs away from Kississimme, FL to Hollywood to find the father who doesn't even know she exists.

Lisa Yee

Oh, God. I'm a computer illiterate. First I post something that's invisible. Then I post the same thing twice. Sigh. I'm going to go eat chocolate cake now.

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