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01 June 2007


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Fuse #8

Oh yeah. Totally a contender for the Lisa Yee Lookalike Contest. No question. Well spotted.

Debby G.

Thank you for the nice review.

Yeah, as soon as I saw the cover, I thought, That's just like Sanford Wong Flunks Bigtime. Luckily, I'm a big fan of Sanford Wong Flunks Bigtime. Please note that I have no say over the cover. I saw it after the fact.


The first little part is kind of perverted. This guy saw what I was reading && he (in front of everyone) said: :O you're reading about naked girls! Eww.. And I wasn't I wanted to skip that part. I love the part I'm in now. It's michevous, and Shay seems.. not very bright..


The first little part is kind of perverted. This guy saw what I was reading && he (in front of everyone) said: :O you're reading about naked girls! Eww.. And I wasn't I wanted to skip that part. I love the part I'm in now. It's michevous, and Shay seems.. not very bright..

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