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13 September 2007


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Three cheers for Kiki Strike and the Irregulars!

Kelly Fineman

I am very much looking forward to this book! I was supposed to get an ARC, come to think of it, but it never turned up. Le sigh.

Lazy Cow

I just finished Kiki Strike and the Shadow City last night (brilliant! amazing! kick-arse!) and am itching to read this one. Where were these sorts of books when I was a teenager? Can't wait for my daughter to be old enough to read them. Thanks for the recommendations.


This book is amazingly awesomeful!!!

Shadow city kicked ass!! Though i dont think empress tomb will be better than shadow cty

Kiki holmes

Kiki Strike and the Shadow City is my bible!!
Almost 7 of my friends has allready boroed it and everyone is talking about it! I lvoe the "How to" pages! It's really helpful^^

let me read online


i love the book kiki strike inside the shadow city. i finished it last night. can't wait to read kiki strike the empress's tomb "love it love it love it"

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