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20 September 2007


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Oh, brother, maybe parents should actually READ "The Chocolate War" and learn a little something. But, no, I suppose they're all busy learning about school shootings from stellar books like Jodi Picoult's "Nineteen Minutes." Yuck.


We have Where Willy Went at our library, it's cute, a pre-school book about the reproductive system, if I remember correctly. However, mostly what I remember is the fact that I can't see this book without giggling like a middle schooler because of all the names that they could have picked, they had to go with "willy"... which as we all know is a slang term, making the title "where willy went" hilarious.


Yeah, I had the giggles about that even before I saw the cover art.


In Faerie Tale Theatre production of "The Frog Prince," Robin Williams refers to the princess as a "bitch." I'm gonna guess that's the reason for the complaint. Sheesh, what was Shelly Duvall thinking?


Wow, I totally don't remember that, and I watched all of them (except The Nightingale) about a billion times growing up. Is it after she throws him into the wall?

Elementary Librarian

I've read Where Willy Went several times; I've even used it in a statewide presentation... as an example of what NOT to buy. It is a poor example of a sex-education picture book and I'm not the least bit surprised parents are challenging it. Every adult I have shown it to reads it, laughs hysterically, then says, "WHO would PUBLISH THIS?" While I'm not advocating censorship in any way, my budget dollars are far too precious to waste on this ridiculous title. There are much better choices out there.


Well, there's definitely a difference between collection development and censorship. (I mean, I know that. Some people don't seem to get it, but that's their deal. Ya can't buy 'em all.)

But now I want to read it even MORE. (That's ridiculous, isn't it? Ah, well. It just looks so... silly.)


Haha, my mom wouldn't let us watch The Frog Prince - that reminds me that I ought to ask her why! But I do love me some Faerie Tale Theatre.


My kid LOVES Where Willy Went, and totally gets it too, which is more than I can say for myself. I wouldn't count on it as the main source for reproductive info, but it's silly and funny and what's wrong with that?


"Where Willy Went" manages to keep from being too naughty. There's really nothing graphic. It's just a race between Willy and his 300 million fellow sperm. Two "maps" leading from Mr. Brown to Mrs. Brown wouldn't pass muster at MapQuest, let alone a porn site. It's a cute book designed to inspire some guilty giggles, but doesn't impart much info on human sexuality. "It's Not the Stork" is a much better book for that.


Oh my gosh, I bought that "Where Willy Went" book for my sister as a joke present right before she got married. She and her husband are pretty conservative, but they both thought it was hilarious and in fact have it out still as their coffee table book. Some people are just nuts.


Yay! You gave a shout to to Britney. :) Had to note the occasion.


I would seriously love to go ANYWHERE and hear seventh graders discussing a book they were all excited about. And I read "The Chocolate War" back in the day, and all these years later have still managed to lead a normal life. I'm sure I just got lucky.

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