From the Guardian:
New biography claims the beloved children's author [Enid Blyton] hid a secret code in her work to make cruel jokes at the expense of her first husband
This could be the Big One.
The Turnaround.
This could transform me from a hater* into a fangirl.
Though, to be honest, the "evidence" doesn't seem all that convincing.
*It should be noted (yet again) that my hater-dom is due more to the rabid fans than to the books themselves. In the bookstore, we'd get Blyton fans in on a weekly basis. When they discovered that the books weren't in print in the States, they would Lose Their Minds. And then they would blame us, the booksellers. So, fair or not, I ended up hating Enid Blyton. (And buying all of the used copies I could find, just to prevent the jerks from getting them. Yes, I have a rotten streak.)
The WORST is that they were all total phoneys--you're such huge fans and you don't even know that they're not widely available in the US?
Just another excuse to piss on someone who can't fight back.
Posted by: cc | 24 September 2007 at 12:15 PM
I am SO going to hide codes belittling my ex-husband in my stuff! (It never occurred to me before!)
Posted by: Kelly Fineman | 24 September 2007 at 04:59 PM
Whoa. I love her even more now.
Posted by: Shrieky | 24 September 2007 at 06:42 PM
That is hilarious. Thanks for sharing! I used to buy Enid Blyton titles whenever I went on business trips to the UK. Just because I could, you know? I think that some hold up and some don't, but oh how I loved the Five books when I was a kid (they were in print in the US then).
Posted by: Jen Robinson | 25 September 2007 at 09:45 PM