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10 October 2007


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Ms. Yingling

Thanks for the information on Jinx. I was thinking about buying it for my school library, but somehow couldn't bring myself to pick it up. I'll have to look at the Mediator series again, but Avalon High was not one I liked. There is a lot of Meg Cabot I love, but sometimes it seems like she needs to slow down just a bit.

Ms. Yingling

Thanks for the review. I was thinking about purchasing but couldn't bring myself to read it. Love some Meg Cabot and don't like some-- perhaps she needs to slow down a bit and write a little less. My favorite is still How to Be Popular. Fluffy but fun!


I think that's exactly what she needs to do. Write, like, one book a year instead of three.

Like I said, I think it'll be popular with plenty of teens, but for anyone who's already read (or seen) something similar, it'll be totally old hat. (And then add to that the utter Lack of Spark... certainly not her finest moment.)

I'm discovering that I seem to be in the minority about Avalon High. I think part of the reason I ended up loving it so much was that she totally tricked me! I didn't see the twist* coming AT ALL.

*Elaine's part in the whole saga, I mean.


I think Jinx is a great book I'm reading it right now!!! I guess all people don't have the same opinion in books.

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