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17 October 2007


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I read the short version at The Digested Read, and just about laughed myself silly.

My mind turned to the back story, as it so often does when a writer is trying too hard to change the pace and create narrative tension. I thought of how my mother had once been a lingerie model, how everything my father and I had done had always disappointed her, how my father had died ...

After dropping these few heavy-handed clues for the reader, I pushed my mother's corpse into the basement and started washing off the shit. She would have wanted me to take care of her like that. My heart raced. What had I done?

I'd say one could likely say safely that her book is, maybe, uneven?
I wasn't a fan of The Lovely Bones, either. And felt like a big dork because everyone else raved, so...


I read the Digested Read earlier, too, and roared. It was so, so funny.

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