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22 October 2007


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This is SOOOOO bad! I am addicted and it's only be 5 minutes. But I am up to 520 grains of rice.

Kelly Fineman

I played until I'd given 1000 grains of rice. It was fun to watch my vocab level soar!


That's the best game ever.

Lady S

Me too! I got up to 1600 cups yesterday. I hit at 43 vocab level for a second, but leveled out between 38 and 40.


Mm, yes. My friend introduced this to me, and it at once served as an indirectly unhealthy addiction (I think I should get at least SOME sleep) and a way to flaunt my superior altruism over him.

Megan Germano (Read, Read, Read

Yes, who is responsible for this! I can't even remember who posted it I have seen so many posts recently, but I am a Free Rice junkie now.


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This look really good. I can't wait to see more of this.

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