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18 October 2007


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Hoo boy, that IS a great image there that you sent us to. Sorry you weren't able to reach her, but this is a lovely write-up anyway with your wonderful personality stamped all over it. I love that snowflake. I reviewed the picture book from which that image comes at 7-Imp earlier this summer, I think it was.

Thanks for participating!

Kris Bordessa

I *love* this snowflake! Too bad you couldn't connect, but I did enjoy reading the background.


I think Delia has her email, if you want a roundabout connection. I used to, but my computer went flooey a couple of times.


Ohh, what a beautiful night sky!
His slippers are a punctuation of yellow.

Saipan Writer

There's entirely too much talent in that Dyer family!

Lovely snowflake. As I visit these blogs each day, I keep adding to my list of ones I want to bid on. This will be impossible! Hope the auction is a big success.

Mary Lee

Love that pig!

Elaine Magliaro

Brooke's snowflake is really lovely. There are so many great snowflakes I'm having a had time deciding which ones to bid on.

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