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25 October 2007


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Under normal circumstances, I'm not a fan-email-the-author kind of girl, but I had barely finished the last page of WICKED LOVELY before I was typing away at an embarrassingly long letter of worship. I couldn't help it. That bit where Seth gives Aislinn his, umm, documentation? Maybe my favorite YA romance moment--ever.

Melissa Marr wrote me back, BTW, a really nice note. I guess I'd mentioned that, until I read her book, THE CHINA GARDEN had been my fav YA fantasy (then she came along and beat the pants off it.) She agreed THE CHINA GARDEN was a good 'un. You should give that one a read/review. Everyone should grab a copy while it's back in print.


I read China Garden years and years ago -- I should definitely give it another read. I'm so glad I'm not alone in my Seth-love. I've been feeling lately like I'm getting a little bit too old to be falling in love with these YA boys.


I think any of your readers who dug on THE CHANGEOVER would be thrilled to hear about THE CHINA GARDEN. And there is no such thing as too old for the YA boys!

Sheila Ruth

Oh, no, I'm definitely with you on the YA boys thing. We're all still 18 in our minds, right? I agree that Seth was hot! (I called him 'sizzling' in my review.)

Electric Landlady

The TPL has 74 holds on this and I had never even heard of it. What would I do without you?


Seth is awesome. MM said her third book is going to be about Seth. I can't wait! When she said this, there was an audible collective swooning sigh from the audience.


"**I CANNOT believe I just typed that sentence. How embarrassing. Well, I'm leaving it in. And I'm not talking about sleeping on a pile of straw in the corner of a train car, either. He owns it, and it's been converted into a real, livable place -- with electricity and everything. Sah-woon."

LOL! If it, helps, he had that effect on most of us :) There was much fangirling in Rath ad Ruins (Wicked Lovely fan forums)esp. right after the book was released. He melts even the coldest of hearts. Not MINE, of course... *hides drool-stained book behind back, looking innoccent*


*I* wanna live in a train.

Sounds kick-ass though.


You had me at: "Don't stare at invisible faeries"


total, 100% agreement.
sorry - i know that's not adding much to the discussion. but i'm very keen on this book and have to pipe up whenever i see mentions.


Ooh I have to read this, particularily if it beats the pants off Twilight. And then I'll recommend it to all my Twilight-loving friends and then I'll watch their reactions on finishing the book...or not. Some of them might annoy me by saying something stupid or Edward-fan-girl-ish.


Ohhh I'm reading this as soon as I'm done with Water for Elephants.
(I love Twilight too, but New Moon and Eclipse disgusted me.)

Stories Inc.

Wauw. I've never even heard of the book, but now I just can't wait to read it, especially I started a fairy project of my own. Thank you for posting this!

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