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06 November 2007


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SO much love for Sherwood Smith!! I'm all kinds of excited that we have one of hers for the Cybils. And I loved this duo, but I, too, suffered through those moments - I won't mention the second book's sufferings - still loved it, but at times, I needed to slap the heroine.


I do think I'm right that Sherwood Smith is a "she," but just in case... I could also say "his."


I couldn't help thinking Scarlet Pimpernel when I read this one, either.


So, is there a romance thread in this book or not? You don't mention one here. Others have promised me there is an excellent romance thread in Crown Duel--but I've been tricked before.


Elizabeth, the romance is mostly in Court Duel -- whether it's excellent or not is debatable. Once again, I wanted to slap Mel, but I know a lot of people who love her.


I enjoyed the romance while acknowledging it was predictable. There's so much excellent buckling of swashes that the fact that I got it way before Mel did didn't bother me as much as it might have otherwise.


I really enjoyed Crown Duel - and, for that matter, everything I've read by Sherwood Smith so far - but I liked Court Duel even better. There's all this delicious fan language and flower language stuff, and some fun intrigue. I do like Mel a lot, but she's definitely a little dense, sometimes to a frustrating degree.

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