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21 November 2007


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I had forgotten about the tour of Rebecca's room. Most impressive.

I think this scene provides some of the evidence for those people who look for a lesbian connection between Mrs. Danvers and Rebecca, at least on Mrs. Danvers part. This kind of obsession could come out of a grief for an intense love. Though I think it could also come out of the grief of a strange intense maternal-type love, too.

(Diana Rigg, who played Mrs. Danvers in a TV production, said in an interview that she thought Mrs. Danvers was not aware of the lesbian attraction she felt for Rebecca. I think that may be analyzing a literary character way too much.)

I found Beatrice and Giles interesting in this section. Giles is portrayed as pretty much a dimwit and no prize. And, I'm sorry, Beatrice is entertaining but a model for those early twentieth century British country aristocrats who are proud of how little they know. Yet these two have a good relationship. When Giles calls home while he's away, he talks with his wife and shares the news of what's going on where he is. He doesn't just talk with the servants the way Maxim does. When Giles comes home by train, Beatrice knows when he will be arriving and wants to be there to greet him.

I don't see how anyone could ever mistake them for romantic figures. Yet they appear to have a good marriage.


Aargh! You've done such a good job with this series of posts that you've forced me to stop reading so that I can read the book instead!


I'll be back later to read and comment. I have to go make cranberry sauce. Here's my link: http://leakydinghy.blogspot.com/2007/11/great-read-chapters-13-15.html


I also wondered about whether Mrs deW2 secretly wanted Maxim to die and free her from Manderly, but forgot to jot it down. Wasn't it a nice feeling without him around? Until she visits the Beach of Death, as you so aptly named it.

I didn't notice what a great relationship Beatrice and her husband seem to have, Gail, it just seemed so normal! Which of course makes a great contrast to the de Winters.


Here's my link for the day:



I'm sure those who are no lover of Beatrice (Gail...) probably got a good chuckle from the part where Granny de Winter was shocked senseless by the idea that Beatrice gave anyone a BOOK as a gift. And, I'll admit, Giles Lacey at Christmas (and in general?) sounds like a cross between Prince Charles and Homer Simpson. But true love can be pretty unromantic.

Huge inconsistency by Mrs. DeW2 during the Awful Granny Visit. One minute she's saying, "I felt rather exhausted, and wondered, rather shocked at my callous thought, why old people were such a strain. WORSE THAN YOUNG CHILDREN OR PUPPIES BECAUSE ONE HAD TO BE POLITE." (Em-PHA-sis added.) But, by the bottom of that very page, she's wishing, "that I could lay my hands upon her face and take the years away." The she goes on to lament how everyone speaks to the old lady like she's a child, and yearns to know the old lady's thoughts. So. Is everyone in this book bipolar?


I'm finally caught up (ahead actually because I couldn't stop). I have to say, I didn't read any lesbian vibes in Mrs. Danvers' character, just creepy creepy creepiness. Also creepy was the way that Mrs. deW2 had wandered around the room examining things, smelling the nightgown, rather than being repulsed by the whole thing. Like she'd gotten caught up in the Cult of Rebecca, too.

What struck me as odd was that Mrs. D and Icky Favell were in Rebecca's room - it's strange enough that they're meeting in secret but what's in her room? Are they just feeling nostalgic?

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