You have spoken: Rebecca it is.
Let's get in the mood, shall we?
This is the reading/posting schedule I'm going to try and keep to:
Nov. 12 -- Chapters 1-3
Nov. 14 -- Chapters 4-6
Nov. 16 -- Chapters 7-9
Nov. 19 -- Chapters 10-12
Nov. 21 -- Chapters 13-15
Nov. 23 -- Chapters 16-18
Nov. 26 -- Chapters 19-21
Nov. 28 -- Chapters 22-24
Nov. 30 -- Chapters 25-27
It'll be somewhat of an exercise in self-restraint for me -- I know I'm going to want to zoom ahead. We'll see what happens. As for anyone else who's planning on reading along, obviously read (and post, if you're planning to) at whatever pace you want to! If you want to read it all in one go, if you want to read a page a day for the next year, if you want to make videos of yourself acting out scenes or doing dramatic readings and post them on YouTube, have a blast. (Quick prayer: Oh please, let someone do that!) If you are planning on posting about it, definitely let me know so that I can compile a list.
Wheee! Go! You have a little over a week to find a copy!
To those of you who are completely and irrevocably anti-Rebecca: There's absolutely nothing stopping us from doing this again.
(Again, credit for this whole idea goes to Matthew Baldwin at defective yeti.)
Booooooo. I tried to read this once before with no luck. Oh well. Maybe this time's the charm?
Posted by: Lauren | 02 November 2007 at 11:09 AM
I'm planning on participating.
Posted by: Becky | 02 November 2007 at 12:17 PM
I just put the audio version on hold - I'll try to listen along.
Posted by: jessmonster | 02 November 2007 at 12:17 PM
When I originally read this in 9th grade, I had not yet developed a taste for Gothic romance. That was over ten years ago, though, and now I LIVE for Gothic romance, so I'm gonna give this another shot.
As a ninth grader, I also wasn't digging on Maxim de Winter--he just seemed old--but my perspective on that might have changed, too.
Posted by: Elizabeth | 02 November 2007 at 12:25 PM
I'll read along too - my grandmother once recommended Rebecca when I was in 7th or 8th grade & I just couldn't get into it but always wanted to try again. And I would have totally read A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, a book I own & again, have tried to get into.
Posted by: liz | 02 November 2007 at 12:28 PM
Hurray! I'm looking forward to rereading Rebecca. It's been a while. For those who found it hard to get into, definitely try again. It gets really creepy and cool. (A perfect autumn read.)
Posted by: Annie | 02 November 2007 at 03:24 PM
I've been meaning to read this book, so yay! And the whole read at a set pace thing sounds interesting, although I will have to concentrate so I pay attention to chapter breaks :) I'll definitely post about both the book and the process of reading to a schedule.
Posted by: Emmaco | 02 November 2007 at 03:37 PM
Hah -- when my mother was fourteen, she tried to check out _Rebecca_ from her neighborhood library, and the librarian wouldn't let her, apparently thinking that De Maurier was too racy for a young lady. That was in 1966.
My mom found a way to read it anyway, but I don't remember how. Thank goodness those days are (mostly) over, eh?
Posted by: Brooke | 02 November 2007 at 04:18 PM
Oh, *good luck* at keeping to a reading schedule with Rebecca! That is not a book you put down and pick up.
Posted by: web | 03 November 2007 at 02:17 AM
Thanks -- I'm already fighting the urge to start early!
Posted by: Leila | 03 November 2007 at 02:52 PM
I'm new here, just wanted to say hello and introduce myself.
Posted by: SlitteeBees | 15 August 2008 at 07:08 PM