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13 November 2007


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I loved the original cover of the first book, but it really didn't have anything to do with the story. The title was misleading, too, because Gideon the Cutpurse is an adult secondary character who isn't as charismatic as he ought to be to pull off having a book named for him.

I did like the book, though. The historical aspects are excellent, the strongest part of the book, much stronger than the time travel element.


Rubs hands together and puts on hold...I see the 2nd one has several holds on it at my library. I remember being intrigued by the original cover, but I never got around to reading it.


I've read the first book in it's original American art. I prefer the original art because it makes the book feel like it came from the Victorian era. The new artwork is more exciting, but feels more current. I really enjoyed the book, and I was disappointed to see that they had to repackage it like that and worried that it meant the series wouldn't take off. I'd have to say that I like Gideon. I think he'll play a larger role in the future installments.


Please forgive my typo. I know that its is not a contraction how I used it. I'm low on sleep. Wish I could use time travel to turn the clock back SEVERAL hours each night in order to get more sleep.


No worries. It has happened to all of us. Go take a snooze, if you can fit one in!

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