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03 December 2007


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I'm so pleased you like this so well. I appreciate hearing the reading; maybe if that guy came and read the story to me it would have worked out better. I don't know -- it seemed like there was just too much of the narrator, and not enough of the story -- of course, there isn't that much story there, in mythology; it's all the power of the storyteller, as you said.


I just love this one. I love, love, love it. I didn't expect to. Julius Lester is hit and miss with me. But there was something about this storyteller, this story, that I just loved. I read the book and I listened to the audio. I think it is one of the best audio books I've ever listened to. I'm not really big into audio books, by the way, because I read faster than I listen. It slows me down too much. Add that with the fact that a bad reader/narrator can ruin the mood of the book...but this one is just right.


I'm the same way with audiobooks -- this is the first book in a long, long time that has even tempted me. I was so happy to find that excerpt.

Lester is hit and miss with me, too, and I hadn't expected to like this one as much as I did, as I'd heard complaints about the voice. But I ended up really enjoying it, hooray!


A good one to pair with this (for? classrooms? bookgroups?) would be Robert Graves' Till We Have Faces, which is the Cupid and Psyche story from a different perspective. It's excellent, but mega-depressing.


Oh, yeah -- I've had that one on my shelf (or in a box somewhere) for ages. I'll have to dig it out sometime when I feel like getting depressed.


Till We Have Faces is actually by C.S. Lewis...well worth reading.


Oh, that's it. I remember buying it for a book group, but I never got to it. (The book or the book group. Oops.)


Sounds like an interesting book- I have always been far too interested in retellings for my own good. And by Julius Lester, too- I'll not say he's my favorite author, but I like him well enough.


Oops! Thanks for the correction, Charlotte.

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